
Monday, July 13, 2015

Open-Grill Brussels Sprouts

You know how I mentioned in last week's post on Chili Lime Corn Salad how we Georges are eating simply -- because of our kitchen renovation? Well, the kitchen work continues and so do our challenges putting dinner on the table. But thank goodness it's summer and we can grill. So the other day the hubby was again grilling sausages and I whipped up these Brussels sprouts based on what I had on hand that was also easily accessible (i.e. not packed up in some box stacked in the dining room).

The results? Delicious. The hubby and I were fighting over the grilled onions, which weren't even the main event in this yummy side dish.

Also, BTW, I tend to make Brussels sprouts entirely on the fly. For example, check out my Roasted (Kitchen Sink) Brussels Sprouts.


Open-Grill Brussels Sprouts
16 ounces Brussels sprouts trimmed
1 red onion, cut into big hunks
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon honey
Juice of 1 lemon
Salt and ground pepper, to taste

Toss all ingredients and then put veggies into grill basket. Grill over open flame for about 10 minutes. Shake occasionally. Veggies are done and ready to be removed from grill when Brussels sprouts are browned on some sides and  onions are turning translucent.

PS: I've mentioned grilling sausages in my last two posts. If you live in Northern Ohio,  check out Hasselbach Meats in Fremont. When visiting my family at Lake Erie, we stop by the award-winning family-owned Hasselbach meat shop and  fill up a cooler of brats, Italian sausages and what are called "fresh sausages" to bring home to Charlotte. Below is a pic of our grill with Brussels sprouts and Hasselbach's fresh sausages.

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