
Friday, July 3, 2015

Fan Friday - July 3, 2015 edition

Time for another Fan Friday post. Thank you, dear readers, for not only tuning in but for giving our recipes a whirl and adding your own tweaks along the way.

The Ladies

Kerri made Spring on Toast (featuring eggs and asparagus).

Kerri made it her own by roasting some cherry tomatoes along with the asparagus and cooking her egg over easy, which she prefers to sunnyside-up. This is what Kerri had to say: "It's delicious! Also made it for lunch the other day over hashbrowns, rather than toast, for a light lunch along with a salad." 

Jamie made Turkey Feta Spinach Burgers.

As soon as Jamie read our recipe for Turkey Feta Spinach Burgers, she started thawing some ground turkey. Here’s how she tweaked her burgers, which she served with a side a asparagus:

“To make these turkey burgers, I first sauteed onion, garlic, and fresh basil from my garden. Next I added spinach to the saute pan until wilted. I then chopped up several pepperoncinis and added the onion, garlic, basil, spinach, peppers and feta to the ground turkey to mix and make into patties. I cooked them in a skillet on the stove for 6 minutes on each side. Once cooked, I topped them with some of the pepperocini juice and sliced tomato vs. using a bun!"

The verdict?

"Srumpdillyicious! Even my picky daughter decided to give them a try and liked them. Total thumbs up in my book!"

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