
Friday, June 12, 2015

Sauteed Zucchini with Corn

We've been talking about supermarket shortcuts quite a bit lately, and today's post is no exception. As busy moms, Amy, Andrea, and I are always looking for ways to shave five minutes off dinner prep time so we can spend more time with our husbands, kids, or Mint Juleps.

I know it's summer, and corn on the cob is popping up at farmers markets and it's darn cheap at the grocery store. But sometimes my kid wants to snuggle while I make dinner, and wielding a sharp knife with a squirmy toddler on my hip just isn't the best choice. Or, let's be honest, maybe I'm feeling hangry and my growling stomach can't wait for me to cut kernels off the cob. And that's when I turn to frozen corn.

A note about my new favorite frozen corn: the other day, my boy and I were shopping at Whole Foods, and I popped a bag of their 365 Everyday Value frozen corn in my cart. Sure it was more expensive than the stuff I usually buy at Publix, but whatever. I wasn't about to swing by another grocery store to save $1 on veggies from the freezer section.

When I opened the bag to make dinner that night, I snuck a few frozen kernels before I tossed them in the pan. Holy moly! It tasted just like corn I painstakingly cut from the cob myself in the heat of summer! I kept nibbling. And nibbling. And decided I'm a total convert. It was worth every extra cent I spent.

By the way, Whole Foods has no idea who I am. (Unless it's "the lady whose kid is trying to pilfer M&Ms from the trail mix bar." Sometimes we make a scene at the grocery store. Oy.) I was just surprised and super pumped to discover their most delicious corn, and I thought I'd share the tip with you.

That said, let's use whatever corn we happen to have in our freezer to make this ridiculously tasty side dish. Even the husband raved about it, and he doesn't even like zucchini! Now that's a vote of confidence.

Let's get cooking!

P.S. Looking for other grocery store shortcuts? I use pre-made mashed potatoes in my Shepherd's Pie, prepared pesto in these Savory Pesto Palmiers, and refrigerated biscuits for Slow Cooker Chicken and Biscuits. You've gotta get dinner on the table somehow!

Sauteed Zucchini with Corn
Adapted from Damn Delicious
Serves: 4

1 tablespoon butter
2 zucchini or yellow squash, halved or quartered if large and sliced 1/4" thick
3/4 cup corn (frozen or fresh)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper

Heat the butter in a large skillet over medium-high. Add zucchini and corn and cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are tender and spotty brown, about 7-8 minutes. (Don't stir constantly; allow the veggies to sit in the pan and sizzle a bit. The contact with the hot skillet allow those delicious brown spots to form.) Stir in basil, cheese, and salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.

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