
Monday, March 3, 2014

Freezer Food

Did I tell you that we're moving? Yep, we're blowing town in June and heading down south to Charlotte, North Carolina. The husband has a job there for a year. We're thrilled about the new adventure, but I get all misty when I think about leaving Milwaukee. I'll miss our little house and my favorite grocery store. I'll miss butterburgers and frozen custard. But mostly I'll miss the people. Milwaukee is full of good people.

I better not go on about the move or I might start sniffling, and that won't do us any good. The point is this: we've been busy bees getting our house ready to sell, and I don't have a new recipe for you today because I haven't been cooking much. But even though I haven't been busy in the kitchen, we have been eating home-cooked meals.

You're probably asking yourself, "How in tarnation are you eating homemade dinners if you're not cooking?"

Quite simple, my friends. I'm raiding my freezer stash. Now pardon me while I sit back and smile at my own genius for having a freezer stash.

Today I'm sharing my favorite freezer-friendly recipes. So when you're selling your house—or fighting off a cold, snuggling a newborn, or just don't feel like cookin'—you'll be prepared with a stockpile of dinners that just need reheating. Get ready to marvel at your own ingenuity.

Sloppy Joes: Man, I love these sloppy joes! The sweet and tangy sauce knocks my socks off. Make a double batch and pop an extra meal's worth in your freezer. Do yourself a favor and serve them with tater tots. You'll have a delicious flashback to the school cafeteria.

Slow Cooker Thai Peanut Pork: This is one of the most popular recipes here on HDHH. It's also one of my favorites to bring when a friend needs a meal because it reheats so well. Serve it over rice or in leaves of butter lettuce for a take on Asian lettuce wraps.

Roasted Sweet Potato & Carrot Soup: Soup freezes beautifully. This creamy-without-the-cream soup makes a perfect lunch. Pair it with a sandwich (Pear & Brie Panini, perhaps?) or salad for a husband-approved hot dinner.

Slow Cooker Barbecue Chicken Breasts: Shred Barbecue Chicken and separate into one- or two-serving portions in freezer baggies. Pile the chicken on rolls and top with coleslaw for a delicious sandwich. Or spread a pita with barbecue sauce and mozzarella cheese, then top with Barbecue Chicken for a mini BBQ chicken pizza.

Beef & Beer Chili: I always save a couple servings of chili in the freezer and use it to top baked potatoes for an instant baked potato bar. Piled with shredded cheddar cheese and sour cream, it's especially perfect for our still-frigid March temperatures. (Moving to Charlotte is sounding pretty darn good right now!)


  1. Best of luck in Charlotte, Erin!! Please enjoy as much Culver's as time permits before the move. :-)

    1. Thanks, Ruthie!! I will keep Culver's in business for the next few months. :-)
