
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Halloween Snacks

My youngest, Sam, loves to be in the kitchen, so we recently took a snack prep class at a local grocery store. (Thanks, Hyvee and dietitian Katrina!) It was great to spend some time together and he enjoyed being crafty with food.

He's become more of a picky eater. I was hoping if he made some new treats on his own, and they looked silly or goofy, he would actually eat them. Sam only devoured one snack.

Can you guess which one?

Mangia! Mangia!

Owl Snack

  • Large or medium round crackers (like Ritz)
  • Small round crackers 
  • Plain cream cheese
  • Sliced almonds
  • Whole almonds
  • Raisins or dried cranberries

Spread cream cheese on a large round cracker. Add two small round crackers at top for eyes. Use a dab of cream cheese on each to attach the raisins for pupils.

Press on an almond beak and almond-slice feathers.

Tombstone Pudding Cups

  • Cool whip
  • Chocolate yogurt
  • Crushed chocolate sandwich cookies
  • Milano cookies
  • Candy corn pumpkins and candy corn
  • Chocolate icing

In a clear plastic cup, gently mix cool whip and yogurt. Top with crushed chocolate cookies. Stand a Milano cookie up along edge to be a tombstone. Use a toothpick dipped into icing to write R.I.P. or another saying on the gravestone.

Place candy corn pumpkins and other candies to decorate.

Celery Mummies

  • Veggie cream cheese
  • Celery sticks
  • Ham slices, cut into thin strips
  • Dried cranberries, cut into pieces

Spread or pipe cream cheese into celery piece. Place or wrap ham pieces in a criss-cross pattern over celery, so that it looks like bandages. Add two dried cranberry eyes between bandages.

Apple Bites

  • Large apple slice or two smaller apple slices
  • Your favorite jam, nut butter or sunflower butter 
  • Slivered almonds or pumpkin seeds

Slice large apple slice down middle, while keeping intact. Or, place two apple slices together to resemble a mouth. Spread on jam or nut butter for the tongue. Add slivered almonds for teeth.

P.S. The pudding cup was Sam's favorite.

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